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Go to the documentation of this file.
00002 //
00003 // Copyright (C) 2000
00004 // Ralf Westram
00005 // Time-stamp: <Thu May/02/2002 09:33 MET>
00006 //
00007 // Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
00008 // and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
00009 // provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
00010 // that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
00011 // in supporting documentation.  Ralf Westram makes no
00012 // representations about the suitability of this software for any
00013 // purpose.  It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
00014 //
00015 // This code is part of my library.
00016 // You may find a more recent version at
00017 //
00020 #include "xml.h"
00022 using namespace std;
00023 using namespace rs;
00024 using namespace rs::xml;
00026 static XML_Document *theDocument = 0;
00028 // ********************************************************************************
00030 //  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00031 //      XML_Attribute::XML_Attribute(const string& name_, const string& content_)
00032 //  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00033 XML_Attribute::XML_Attribute(const string& name_, const string& content_)
00034     : name(name_), content(content_), next(0)
00035 {}
00037 //  ----------------------------------------
00038 //      XML_Attribute::~XML_Attribute()
00039 //  ----------------------------------------
00040 XML_Attribute::~XML_Attribute() {
00041     delete next;
00042 }
00043 //  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
00044 //      XML_Attribute *XML_Attribute::append_to(XML_Attribute *queue)
00045 //  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
00046 XML_Attribute *XML_Attribute::append_to(XML_Attribute *queue) {
00047     if (!queue) return this;
00048     queue->next = append_to(queue->next);
00049     return queue;
00050 }
00051 //  ------------------------------------------------
00052 //      void XML_Attribute::print(ostream& out)
00053 //  ------------------------------------------------
00054 void XML_Attribute::print(ostream& out) const {
00055     out << " " << name << "=\"" << content << "\"";
00056     if (next) next->print(out);
00057 }
00059 // ********************************************************************************
00061 //  -----------------------------
00062 //      XML_Node::XML_Node()
00063 //  -----------------------------
00064 XML_Node::XML_Node() {
00065     assert(theDocument);
00067     father = theDocument->LatestSon();
00068     theDocument->set_LatestSon(this);
00069     indent = 0;
00071     if (father) {
00072         father->add_son(this);
00073         indent = father->Indent()+1;
00074     }
00076     opened = false;
00077 }
00079 //  ------------------------------
00080 //      XML_Node::~XML_Node()
00081 //  ------------------------------
00082 XML_Node::~XML_Node() {
00083     if (father) father->remove_son(this);
00084     theDocument->set_LatestSon(father);
00085 }
00087 // ********************************************************************************
00089 inline void to_indent(ostream& out, int indent) { while (indent--) out << ' '; }
00091 //  ---------------------------------------------
00092 //      XML_Tag::XML_Tag(const string &name_)
00093 //  ---------------------------------------------
00094 XML_Tag::XML_Tag(const string &name_)
00095 : name(name_), son(0), attribute(0)
00096 {
00097 }
00098 //  ----------------------------
00099 //      XML_Tag::~XML_Tag()
00100 //  ----------------------------
00101 XML_Tag::~XML_Tag() {
00102     ostream& out = theDocument->Out();
00103     if (son) throw string("XML_Tag has son in destructor");
00104     close(out);
00105 }
00107 //  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00108 //      void XML_Tag::add_attribute(const string& name_, const string& content_)
00109 //  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00110 void XML_Tag::add_attribute(const string& name_, const string& content_) {
00111     XML_Attribute *newAttr = new XML_Attribute(name_, content_);
00112     attribute = newAttr->append_to(attribute);
00113 }
00114 //  ----------------------------------------------
00115 //      void XML_Tag::add_son(XML_Node *son_)
00116 //  ----------------------------------------------
00117 void XML_Tag::add_son(XML_Node *son_) {
00118     if (son) throw string("Tried to add a second son! Destroy previous son first.");
00119     son = son_;
00120 }
00121 //  -------------------------------------------------
00122 //      void XML_Tag::remove_son(XML_Node *son_)
00123 //  -------------------------------------------------
00124 void XML_Tag::remove_son(XML_Node *son_) {
00125     if (son != son_) throw string("Tried to remove wrong son!");
00126     son = 0;
00127 }
00129 //  -----------------------------------------
00130 //      void XML_Tag::open(ostream& out)
00131 //  -----------------------------------------
00132 void XML_Tag::open(ostream& out) {
00133     if (father && !father->Opened()) father->open(out);
00134     out << "\n"; to_indent(out, Indent());
00135     out << "<" << name;
00136     if (attribute) attribute->print(out);
00137     out << ">";
00138     opened = true;
00139 }
00140 //  -------------------------------------------
00141 //      void XML_Tag::close(ostream& out)
00142 //  -------------------------------------------
00143 void XML_Tag::close(ostream& out)  {
00144     if (!opened) {
00145         if (father && !father->Opened()) father->open(out);
00146         out << "\n"; to_indent(out, Indent());
00147         out << "<" << name;
00148         if (attribute) attribute->print(out);
00149         out << "/>";
00150     }
00151     else {
00152         out << "\n"; to_indent(out, Indent());
00153         out << "</" << name << ">";
00154     }
00155 }
00157 // ********************************************************************************
00159 //  ------------------------------
00160 //      XML_Text::~XML_Text()
00161 //  ------------------------------
00162 XML_Text::~XML_Text() {
00163     ostream& out = theDocument->Out();
00164     close(out);
00165 }
00166 //  ---------------------------------------------------
00167 //      void XML_Text::add_son(XML_Node */*son_*/)
00168 //  ---------------------------------------------------
00169 void XML_Text::add_son(XML_Node */*son_*/) {
00170     throw string("Can't add son to XML_Text-Node");
00171 }
00172 //  ------------------------------------------------------
00173 //      void XML_Text::remove_son(XML_Node */*son_*/)
00174 //  ------------------------------------------------------
00175 void XML_Text::remove_son(XML_Node */*son_*/) {
00176     throw string("Can't remove son from XML_Text-Node");
00177 }
00178 //  ----------------------------------------------
00179 //      void XML_Text::open(ostream& /*out*/)
00180 //  ----------------------------------------------
00181 void XML_Text::open(ostream& /*out*/) {
00182 }
00183 //  -------------------------------------------
00184 //      void XML_Text::close(ostream& out)
00185 //  -------------------------------------------
00186 void XML_Text::close(ostream& out) {
00187     if (father && !father->Opened()) father->open(out);
00188     out << "\n"; to_indent(out, Indent());
00189     out << content;
00190 }
00192 // ********************************************************************************
00194 //  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00195 //      XML_Document::XML_Document(const string& name_, const string& dtd_, ostream& out_)
00196 //  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00197 XML_Document::XML_Document(const string& name_, const string& dtd_, ostream& out_)
00198     : dtd(dtd_), root(0), out(out_)
00199 {
00200     assert(!theDocument); // there may be only one at a time
00201     theDocument = this;
00202     latest_son  = 0;
00203     root        = new XML_Tag(name_);
00204     assert(latest_son == root);
00206     out << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\n";
00207     out << "<!DOCTYPE " << name_ << " SYSTEM '" << dtd << "'>\n";
00208 }
00210 //  --------------------------------------
00211 //      XML_Document::~XML_Document()
00212 //  --------------------------------------
00213 XML_Document::~XML_Document() {
00214     delete root;
00215     assert(theDocument == this);
00216     theDocument = 0;
00217 }

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